By our agents passion and support for their communities, charities, families and individuals. Guided by a Board of Directors that is composed of West USA Real Estate professionals, it is our goal to lend a helping hand that connects, educates, serves, and builds strength to the surrounding areas.
We have joined forces with great Organizations like Make-A-Wish, Habitat for Humanity and Salvation Army to help raise money and we have organized drives to benefit local Organizations as well like Lost Our Home Foundation, New life Center and Homes for Hero’s. We want to reach everyone’s passion and touch as many lives in our community as we can.
“West USA cares was created to support our agents in their efforts to give back to the communities in which they serve. I want to thank everyone for their dedication, hard work and passion that they have helped us grow and touch so many lives. This is a perfect example of how an organization – no matter the size – can make a real and lasting difference.” – Carrie Lynn Mason